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Altinozu church in Hatay, Turkiye, after 2023 earthquake.
In the month since two devastating earthquakes hit Türkiye and Syria on February 6, 2023, the region has continued to be rocked by aftershocks as local responders and international aid groups come to grips with the humanitarian situation on the ground. World Monuments Fund (WMF) mourns the lives lost, now estimated at 46,000 in Türkiye and 4,500 in Syria. 
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La Jalca Grande and The Story Of Juan El Osito
After an earthquake struck the Amazonas region of Peru, the historic church of La Jalca Grande suffered serious damage—including the total destruction of its unique free-standing tower. Among the affected parts of this sixteenth-century structure is a curious carving of a bear with a unique backstory that continues to be central to the importance of the townspeople today.
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La Jalca Grande and The Story Of Juan El Osito
Después de que un terremoto azotara la región de Amazonas en Perú, la histórica iglesia de La Jalca Grande sufrió graves daños -incluida la destrucción total de su singular torre exenta. Entre las partes afectadas de esta estructura del siglo XVI se encuentra una curiosa talla de un oso con una historia de fondo única que sigue siendo fundamental para la comunidad en la actualidad.
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Group picture at the Tiretta Bazaar Watch Day
For over 200 years, Kolkata, India, has been home to a vibrant Chinese community centered around an area known as Tiretta Bazaar. This January, the neighborhood played host to Watch Day festivities in honor of the rich heritage of this historic Chinatown, which was named to the World Monuments Watch in 2022 to call attention to Tiretta Bazaar’s uncertain future in the face of demographic shifts and encroachment from developers.
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