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Your search returned 311 results.
Completed Project
Prague, Czech Republic

St. Ann's Church

Built in 1316, St. Ann’s Church stands at the foot of the Charles Bridge in the Old Town of Prague.
Completed Project
Dubrovnik, Croatia

Franciscan Monastery Library

Founded in 1235, the Franciscan monastery in Dubrovnik was an essential visit for pilgrims traveling between Europe and the Holy Land.
Completed Project
Zadar, Croatia

Ducal Palace

From the High Middle Ages through the 20th century, the Ducal Palace of Zadar stood witness to the evolution of the city and survived countless attacks and occupations.
Completed Project
Yuci City, Shanxi, China

Xuanjian Tower

Xuanjian Tower, part of a complex dating to the thirteenth century, is the main feature of the Town God’s Temple in Yuci.
Completed Project
Voskopojë, Albania

Voskopojë Churches

Twenty-six churches were built between 1630 and 1780 at Voskopojë, situated along the trade route from Venice to Constantinople in southeastern Albania.
Completed Project
Oaxaca, Mexico

Monte Albán Archaeological Site

The ancient Zapotec metropolis of Monte Albán was founded in the 6th century BC on a flattened mountain overlooking the city of Oaxaca.
Ibn Danan Synagogue ark doors, 1998.
Completed Project
Fez, Morocco

Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Danan Synagogue

Fez was also the location of two well known temples, Rabbi Shlomo Ibn Danan Synagogue, built and founded by the Ibn Danan family, and the nearby Mansano Synagogue.
Túcume, Peru, 2018.
Completed Project
Located in the Lambayeque Region in the District of Túcume, Peru

Túcume Archaeological Site

Túcume Archaeological Site is located on Peru’s arid north coast and stretches across 220 hectares.
ESP Tebaida - hero
Completed Project
El Bierzo, León, Spain

Tebaida Leonesa

The rural communities of the Tebaida Leonesa face the challenges of preserving the character of their villages and landscape in the face of growing tourism and development.
PER Cerro - hero
Completed Project
Cañete Valley, Peru

Cerro de Oro

A monumental archaeological site seeks sustainable development solutions as it contends with looting and encroachment.
JPN Kagawa - hero
Completed Project
Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan

Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium

A modern landmark of Japan is now closed to the public, as its rehabilitation poses a technical challenge and a new use for the structure is sought.
Sultan Qa'itbay Complex, 1999.
Completed Project
Cairo, Egypt

Sultan Qa'itbay Complex

Mamluk sultan Qa’itbay’s fountain-school complex was constructed in 1477 in central Cairo.
