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Your search returned 445 results.
Completed Project
Saint-Emilion, France

Saint-Emilion Monolithic Church

In the eighth century, a Breton monk named Emilion fled to southern France to escape persecution by the Benedictine order and adopted an eremitic existence, living in a cave.
Completed Project
Lalibela, Ethiopia

Rock-Hewn Churches

In the 1960s, one of the first projects undertaken by WMF was at Lalibela.
Despite a good legibility of its architecture (hardly transformed), the Khan (or craft school) presents heavy structural pathologies due to successive  differential settlements of the structure resulting from the variation of the ground water and deficiencies of the drainage which have affected a lot all limestone foundations., 23/24 January 2009
Completed Project
Luxor, West Bank, Egypt

New Gourna Village

New Gourna Village is a testament to how the relationship between heritage and society is often fraught with multiple meanings and conflicting values.
Completed Project
Luxor, Egypt

Luxor Temple

Constructed over hundreds of years by the rulers of ancient Egypt, Luxor Temple was the largest and most significant religious center in the ancient Egyptian kingdom.
Conservator at work, 2006
Completed Project
Cairo, Egypt

Al-Darb Al-Ahmar District Mosques

Cairo's historic district of Al-Darb al-Ahmar lies amidst the dense urban environment of Africa's largest city and is a neighborhood rich with medieval Islamic structures.
February 2008
Completed Project
Cairo, Egypt

Tarabay Al-Sharify

The monumental complex of Tarabay al-Sharify stands at the southern end of Al-Azhar Park.
Completed Project
Cuenca, Ecuador

Todos Santos Complex

The preservation of Todos Santos has enabled the complex to develop into a thriving hub of religion, culture, and education.
Completed Project
Brno, Czech Republic

Tugendhat Villa

Located on a hill overlooking the city of Brno, Tugendhat Villa is a seminal work of International Style architecture by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe.
Ark from below, November 2005
Completed Project
Jičín, Czech Republic

Jičín Synagogue

Jews began to settle in Jičín during the fourteenth century, but an official Jewish community was not established until the seventeenth century.
Completed Project
Terezin, Czech Republic

Terezin Fortress

Terezin Fortress, a vast military complex with a perimeter of over 12 miles (20 kilometers), guards the confluence of the Elbe and Eger rivers in the northwest Czech Republic.
