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Your search returned 25 results.
PAK Karachi - hero
Karachi, Pakistan

Historic Karachi

The built heritage of Karachi is imperiled by massive population growth, and new solutions will be needed for its protection and revitalization.
NGA Sukur - hero
Madagali Local Government Area, Nigeria

Sukur Cultural Landscape

The cultural landscape of the Sukur people and their chiefdom has become the target of Boko Haram, and faces conservation challenges.
JPN Kagawa - hero
Completed Project
Takamatsu, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan

Kagawa Prefectural Gymnasium

A modern landmark of Japan is now closed to the public, as its rehabilitation poses a technical challenge and a new use for the structure is sought.
ITA Amatrice - hero
Amatrice, Italy


The town of Amatrice was almost completely destroyed by a 2016 earthquake, leading to international interest in its future.
ISR Lifta - hero
Jerusalem, Israel


The ruins of a Palestinian village in Jerusalem are threatened by a redevelopment plan that has faced popular opposition.
EGY Gulshani - hero
Active Project
Cairo, Egypt

Takiyyat Ibrahim al-Gulshani

A Sufi religious foundation in Cairo, currently in a state of abandonment, is in need of a new vision for its future use.
EGY Eliyahu - hero
Alexandria, Egypt

Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue

The Eliyahu Hanavi Synagogue is the one of the last remaining witnesses of the once-flourishing Jewish community of Alexandria.
CHN GrandTheater - hero
Completed Project
Beijing, China

Grand Theater, Prince Kung's Mansion

In Beijing's most celebrated princely residence, the theater building is in need of repairs and restoration, drawing on the best local and international expertise.
CHL Ramal - hero
Talca Province, Chile

Ramal Talca-Constitución

Strong community attachment surrounds the last rural railway branch in Chile, which was recently damaged by forest fires.
Sirius Building with Sydney Harbor
Millers Point, Sydney, Australia

Sirius Building

A storied public housing building in Sydney is for sale, and faces the risk of demolition if heritage protection is not granted.
