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Your search returned 103 results.
Completed Project
Rabaçal, Portugal

Roman Villa of Rabaçal

The 4th-century Roman villa of Rabaçal is perhaps the most important ruin at the site of ancient Conimbriga, one of the largest Roman sites, and the best preserved, in Portugal.
Lublin, Poland

Old Lublin Theater

The Old Lublin Theater was designed in the neo-classical style by its first owner, Polish architect Lukasz Rodakiewicz, to host local and traveling performances for the entertainment of local citizenry.
Guadalupe, Peru

Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery

The early 17th-century Augustinian complex of Our Lady of Guadalupe was built over the ruins of the native sanctuary of Pakatnamú as a statement of Christianity over indigenous religion.
Angasmarca, Peru

Angasmarca Temple

One of the unexpected cultural and artistic offspring of the Conquest, the "mestizo baroque" was the architectural expression of the commingling of European and Native American cultures.
Shechem (or Ancient Nablus), Palestinian Territory

Tell Balatah

Located near the West Bank town of Nablus, Tell Balatah has long been associated with the ancient city of Shechem, mentioned throughout the Bible and in numerous Egyptian documents.
Beit Wazan, Palestinian Territory

Al-Qasem Palace

The four-story Al-Qasem Palace was built in 1820 as the seat of the Al-Qasem family sheikdom, one of 24 such political entities that ruled the central highlands of Palestine.
near Ashgabat, Turkmenistan

Old Nisa

With its ancient tell surrounded by high defensive earthen ramparts, and its impressive palace complex, the ancient Parthian city of Old Nisa is one of Turkmenistan's most significant cultural sites.
Edo, Nigeria

Benin City Earthworks

The Benin City Walls consist of a set of inner and outer interlocking rings originally built to delineate the royal precinct of the Oba, or king, from the surrounding area.
Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Geser Sum Monastery

Founded in the late nineteenth century during the time of Manchu dominance over Mongolia, the Geser Sum Monastery was built with donations from Chinese merchants.
Metztitlan, Mexico

La Tercena

A rare example of early sixteenth-century civic architecture, La Tercena in Metztitlán, Hidalgo, boasts a combination of indigenous and European architectural elements.
