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Your search returned 1149 results.
Active Project
San Juan Teotihuacan, Mexico


More inclusive tourism planning and visitor management at an iconic archaeological park can help address economic challenges facing surrounding communities.
Bunong villagers from Bu Cheeng calling the spirits in front of their altar (filled with gifts) in  the context of the wer-brii-wer-nam ritual, Bu Sra area, 2019.
Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia

Cultural Landscape of the Bunong People

Mapping and documentation of heritage places can support the Bunong people’s struggle to protect ancestral land from agro-industrial development and encroachment.
View of Hurst Castle. Photo courtesy of ExploringWithin on YouTube.
Active Project
Lymington, United Kingdom

Hurst Castle

A fortress built by Henry VIII that suffered partial collapse in 2021 illustrates the urgent need to address the impact of climate change on coastal heritage through continued monitoring.
Indian Church Village, Belize


An international tourist destination encompassing an ancient Maya city requires a more inclusive heritage management plan to help reinforce the relationship between the site and local residents.
Active Project
Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

La Maison du Peuple, Ouagadougou

An important landmark and unique example of African modernism in Burkina Faso requires rehabilitation to enhance public life and foster civic pride.
Active Project
Near Kumasi, Ashanti Region, Ghana

Asante Traditional Buildings

Sacred earthen shrines, among the last architectural vestiges of the Kingdom of Asante, face ongoing deterioration that call for new approaches to management and maintenance.
Sikri red sandstone with white marble inlay of the western facade of the tomb, 2021.
Lahore, Pakistan

Tomb of Jahangir

The only imperial Mughal tomb in Pakistan requires restoration to foster new visitation and provide invaluable greenspace for community recreation within an expanding urban setting.
A stone carved Hiti still giving water round the clock, 2021.
Active Project
Kathmandu Valley, Nepal

Hitis (Water Fountains) of the Kathmandu Valley

An extensive system of historic water distribution points and underground channels needs maintenance to ensure that local communities have reliable access to clean water.
Praingu Matualang Village, view of two revitalized, main sacred houses, 2018.
Active Project

Sumba Island

The sacred houses of the Sumbanese people will be lost without community-led training in the traditional knowledge necessary to maintain these structures and their layers of symbolic meaning.
Benghazi's historic town hall, built during the Ottoman era and later expanded under Italian colonization, 2021.
Benghazi, Libya

Benghazi Historic City Center

Revival of an important public square in war-ravaged Benghazi can catalyze recovery efforts and serve as a symbol of community-driven urban resilience.
