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Your search returned 1149 results.
Chinese New Year celebrations, 2020.
Active Project
Kolkata, India

Tiretta Bazaar

India’s earliest Chinatown is home to minority communities seeking recognition for their history and urban revitalization to support their way of life.
Aerial view of fortified manor of Shaoanzhuang, 2020.
Fujian, China

Fortified Manors of Yongtai

Fortified family homes in remote southeast China present an opportunity for rural revitalization, community-led environmental management, and sustainable tourism.
Main panel of rock paintings from the Serra da Lua site at Monte Alegre State Park, 2012.

Monte Alegre State Park

Prehistoric cave paintings in the Amazon are threatened by environmental degradation and call for improved stewardship that engages and benefits nearby communities.
Tourists camel trekking in the mountainous interior of Soqotra, 2020.

Soqotra Archipelago

The Soqotri people seek to protect and promote their identity through cultural mapping and inventory of their rich heritage across the island of Soqotra.
Local parade in Brownsville, Texas, 2020.
Active Project
Brownsville, Texas, United States

Garcia Pasture

The traditional territory of the Carrizo Comecrudo Tribe of Texas threatened by natural resource extraction and desecration of ancestral lands requires formal legal recognition to ensure its future.
Welcome to Africatown sign, 2019. Courtesy of The Birmingham Times.
Mobile, Alabama, United States


A historic Alabama community established by formerly enslaved Africans is seeking support to leverage a recent archaeological discovery to protect their homes and call for environmental justice.
The Kushite pyramids of Nuri, 2020.


Royal pyramids of the ancient Kingdom of Kush threatened by environmental factors require renewed management strategies and conservation interventions to prevent further deterioration.
View of the Koagannu cemetery, 2014.

Koagannu Mosques and Cemetery

A historic waterfront cemetery with distinct coral-stone architecture is threatened by rapidly rising seas and highlights the urgency of the climate crisis and the need for adaptive preservation solutions.
Building in the Fouad Boutros Heritage Corridor after the blast, 2020.

Heritage Buildings of Beirut

The vibrant coastal city of Beirut, devastated by the blast of August 2020, needs further recovery support to protect and rehabilitate the historic buildings essential to its identity.
Shaitgumbad (Sixty Dome) mosque, 2020.
Bagerhat, Bangladesh

Mosque City of Bagerhat

The religious landscape of ancient Khalifatabad requires climate adaptation to ensure its survival and continued service to the Bagerhat community.
Former dormitory, modified in the 1980s, 2021.
Active Project
Kinchela, Australia

Kinchela Aboriginal Boys Training Home

A survivor-led effort seeks to transform a former government institution for Aboriginal boys forcibly taken from their families into a place of truth-telling and healing.
View of the Taj Bawdi water tank in Bijapur, India.
Active Project

Historic Water Systems of India

The Historic Water Systems of India project is an opportunity to address intersecting contemporary issues, including the impacts of urbanization and climate change on access to clean water.
