Although Aba Jifar Palace is a highly important structure in Oromia, and a protected historic monument in Ethiopia, its condition is a cause of serious concern.
The Venetian Ghetto, considered the first Jewish Ghetto in Europe, is undergoing a transformation to improve the visitor experience and better protect the five synagogues representing the ethnic groups that flourished there.
From the 13th through the late 19th centuries, tradition called for unmarried daughters of Japanese emperors and shoguns to become abbesses in a network of elite imperial Buddhist convents.
In addition to the conservation of the room, the work included the design and construction of a new glass vestibule at the main lobby entrance to mitigate the effects of air-borne pollution going forward.
The 40 surviving chapels in the Oyón Valley were built in the late sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries as part of a Spanish program to convert Peru’s indigenous population to Christianity.
Conservation interventions, site management improvements and training opportunities were part of an award-winning project that protected Quasyr ‘Amra and its surrounding complex.
WMF partners with the National Trust for Historic Preservation and others to ensure the global artistic and social impact of Nina Simone's legacy live on.
Albingaunum, the wealthy Roman city along the River Centa, was important because of its position as a gateway to the fertile plains of northern Italy, Gaul, and the Mediterranean.