
Preah Khan Conservation Project Report VIII Field Campaign V

Reports on the fifth field campaign of World Monuments Fund at the temple complex of Preah Khan in Angkor, Cambodia, which took place in 1996-1997. During this campaign innovative conservation techniques were perfected and a significant amount of new work was completed, as described in this report. Major conservation work took place on the Central Buddhist Complex, the Hall of Dancers, the Central Gateway of North Gopura IV, and the West Portico of West Gopura III. Work continued on Enclosure Wall IV, the outer wall of the Preah Khan complex, with engaged garudas. These repairs are amply illustrated through technical drawings. Investigations along the western shore of the Jayatataka Baray (also known as the Northern or Preah Khan Baray) resulted in findings of archaeological importance. Report VIII also comments on the effects on the project of a brief period of political instability in Cambodia during the summer of 1997. The 12th century temple complex of Preah Khan in Angkor, Cambodia is one of the most significant remains of the ancient Khmer civilization. This is one of a series of reports charting the evolution of the conservation efforts of World Monuments Fund at Preah Khan.

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