A Walk Around Tughlaqabad
Tughlaqabad is considered to be the third extant city of Delhi after Lal Kot and Siri. Ghiasuddin Tughlaq, the founder of the Tughlaq Dynasty, during his short reign (AD 1320–24) built the fortifi ed city of Tughlaqabad, spanning nearly 6.5 km, over a period of only four years. Tughlaqabad stands on a high outcrop of rock towards the southeastern edge of Delhi and is distinctly divided into three parts: the wider city area towards the north; the citadel; and the adjacent palace towards the south-west. The fort with remarkably massive stone fortifi cations surrounds the irregular ground plan of the city. The walls built of random rubble masonry, rise in places to a height of nearly 30 m and have a pronounced batter with frequent bastions and numerous slits.