Pablo Longoria

Executive Director, WMF Spain

As Executive Director for World Monuments Fund Spain, Pablo Longoria has managed the restoration of the Salon Rico Hall in Medina Azahara, various projects in the Alhambra (where WMF received in 2019 the Europa Nostra award for the restoration of the Partal Oratory), and the conservation studies and production of the virtual reality experience at La Garma cave in Cantabria, named by Forbes one of the 50 best virtual reality experiences of 2019, among other projects.

Pablo holds a master’s degree in Architecture and Urban Planning as well as Urban Planning Laws, and is a specialist in cultural heritage conservation. After graduating from ETSAM he worked as an architect in New York. A member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Pablo has worked as heritage specialist in Spain, Oman, Turkestan, Republic of Kazakhstan, and Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan. As a specialist in construction pathologies, he was appointed by Santiago Calatrava, LLC as a technical judicial expert in Spain. He has organized several academic courses related to cultural heritage on subjects such as rural depopulation, cultural landscapes, intangible heritage, tile restoration, and urban planning in historic cities and given lectures relating to cultural heritage in Spain and Italy.