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La Inmaculada School, Pataz, La Libertad
Una parte central del trabajo en curso de World Monuments Fund (WMF) en el Parque Nacional Río Abiseo (PNRA) es promover no sólo la protección de los increíbles monumentos del parque sino también la identidad del patrimonio cultural de las comunidades circundantes. El PNRA, ubicado en la región San Martín de Perú, tiene una zona de amortiguamiento o área periférica protegida que cubre la región de La Libertad.
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Rainbow after a storm at the Church of the Holy Redeemer, Ani, Türkiye.
Once dubbed “the city of 1,001 churches,” Ani—an Armenian metropolis in what is now eastern Türkiye—welcomed religious communities ranging from Muslims to Zoroastrians during its medieval heyday as a thriving Silk Road station. Today, visitors to archaeological site of Ani—inscribed UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2016 in recognition of its outstanding universal value—will be able to experience this rich and layered history in a new light thanks to a mobile app launched this year by Anadolu Kültür.
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I am thrilled to announce that a respected heritage organization, Global Heritage Fund (GHF), is joining World Monuments Fund (WMF) in a strategic affiliation. Founded in 2002 in Palo Alto, California, GHF has partnered with over 100 public and private organizations at 30 sites across 20 countries. This affiliation will allow us to increase our impact preserving irreplaceable heritage around the world.
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Mathilde Augé, Executive Director, WMF France. Image Courtesy of David Atlan
When we sat down to speak with Mathilde Augé, WMF France’s executive director, it was amidst a flurry of activity for our newest international office. The branch’s opening had just received a glowing write-up in Le Figaro and was planning the layout of their booth at the Salon international du patrimoine culturel. All of this was amidst preparations for WMF France’s official launch event—then only a week away—which would include music, speeches, and tours at project sites across the Île de France region.
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At the Church of Saint-Eustache, a local community is rallying to preserve the delicate interiors of a Parisian icon. One of the French capital’s most visited churches, Saint-Eustache has long been the house of worship for kings and common people alike, earning it the nickname of “the royal parish.” In our latest Curious Facts post, explore the rich history of this landmark—and how conservation efforts are shaping its future.
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Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Stadium aerial view. Photo credit: Jay Vadodaria.
As the city of Ahmedabad plans its 2036 Olympic bid, we are optimistic that this bid is an opportunity to breathe new life into the historic stadium and recommit to its conservation. We welcome the Amdavad Municipal Corporation’s proposal to re-examine our conservation plan in light of the Olympic bid and hope that the project can become an icon for preservation and revitalization across the country.
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