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Paxton Carlson, one of the 12 high-school students working at the Dutch Reformed Church this summer, addressed the group gathered for their graduation ceremony. "Wow, how do I begin? This whole experience has been amazing for all of us. I don't think anybody came into this knowing the enormous amount of knowledge that was about to be taught to us."
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September 04, 2009

High on the High Bridge

On September 1, a group of WMF staff members visited the High Bridge on a cloudless and warm summer morning. We met Ellen Macnow, the Parks Department's <a href="">High Bridge</a> project coordinator, in front of the Highbridge Park Rec Center and Pool in northern Manhattan and walked to the water tower overlooking the Harlem River and the High Bridge.
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The six-week field school at the Dutch Reformed Church in Newburgh ended on Friday with a graduation ceremony. The students exchanged their hard hats and T-shirts for dressier attire and received certificates congratulating them for their achievements and thanking them for their hard work.
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August 19, 2009

Windows to the Past

During this past week at work, Jeff Finch (the National Park Service instructor) taught us about window sashes. My peers and I learned how to shellac, oil, and putty the windows. All these chemicals help the windows stay strong against moisture.
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We had an interesting week at the Shaker Village. Friday we had a flood that was so severe it washed out two of the major roads, flooded the ponds over their banks, put about 3 to 4 feet of water in the basement of the brethren's shop, and caused one of the major aqueducts to fail, shooting water throughout the site and doing considerable damage. It's a testament that even though these water system components exist after 150+ years, disturbances at the top of the watershed may compromise the entire system.
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August 07, 2009

Paint Analysis

On the 22nd and 23rd of July all of us here were given the opportunity to have a class on paint analysis. The class was wonderful. We were able to take actual paint samples of the wood all around the church for the following day in the lab. I worked with Ryan up in the balcony. Our job was really great because we took paint samples before and after a &ldquo;seam&rdquo; in the wood.
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August 05, 2009

Miami Marine Stadium, USA

Designed by Hilario Candela, <a href="/project/miami-marine-stadium">this 1960s concrete Modernist icon</a> is a sentimental favorite for many in the Miami community&mdash;much more than simply a venue for powerboat and waterski races.
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August 05, 2009

Preservation on Nantucket

I was invited to the <a href="">Preservation Institute: Nantucket’s summer program</a> in early July as one of several visiting speakers. I gave a presentation on some of WMF’s projects, entitled “Highlights of South American World Heritage Sites.
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WMF has taken on a two million-dollar project at the medieval Abbey of San Clemente a Casauria, which was badly damaged in the April 6, 2009, earthquake that struck the Abruzzo region of central Italy.
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