All Press Releases

Quinta de Presa, a unique historical monument notable for its architecture and design, will be restored and adaptively reused to be integrated into the cultural and tourism circuit in Lima's Rímac district, thanks to a public-private partnership which involved the Ministry of Culture, the Ministr

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La Quinta de Presa, un monumento histórico único por su arquitectura y diseño, será finalmente puesta en valor y podrá integrarse a la oferta cultural y turística de Lima y el distrito del Rímac, gracias a una alianza público-privada en la que participan el Ministerio de Cultura, el Ministerio de

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La société American Express et l’ONG spécialisée dans la sauvegarde de monuments mondiaux, le World Monuments Fund (WMF), ont annoncé aujourd’hui l’allocation d’une subvention de 1,5 million de dollars afin d’encourager les efforts de conservation sur neuf sites historiques.

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Today the Newstead Abbey Partnership (NAP) – now a formally established friends group of Newstead Abbey supporters, advocates and local partners – announced their commitment to promote the site’s significance, encourage tourism and secure new funds for necessary conservation work with the support

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